ExpressConnect Docs


Key Benefits

The current release includes the capabilities of the ExpressAPI that introduces the options to utilise the pre-built APIs to quickly set up systems integrations between TRIRIGA and external systems.

Each section (Business Objects) in TRIRIGA is interlinked to multiple other sections, which generally takes additional time to understand and configure. Most of these associations are already thought through and linked in the API structure, resulting in a short delivery lifecycle.

The APIs are produced in an OpenAPI-compatible format, increasing the API interoperability manifold. The OpenAPI specs can be downloaded and utilised with numerous tools to rapidly kick-start your systems integration journey.

Some of the Key features are:

Get started quickly

With our pre-built API Packs, delivering hundreds of APIs in hours or days instead of weeks or months.


Designed to be easy to use and learn. Spend less time reading docs.


Based on (and compatible with) the open standards for APIs: OpenAPI 3.x (previously known as Swagger 2.0).


Very high performance with clever embedded caching capabilities. Response time improvement of 40% or more.

Reduce time to market

Automatic OpenAPI specs generation also acts as the primary documentation without a need for manually maintaining the documentation.

Quick realisation

Fully embedded, and the capability introduced through OM Packs. There are no requirements for additional computing capacity.

Ease of use

A range of in-built search and data management options makes data handling easy.


Inbuilt API version management helps deal with evolving APIs, breaking changes, and graceful deprecation of APIs.


Great API exploration and onboarding support using embedded OpenAPI Explorer UX App (built using ReactJS framework and utilising Carbon design). Test drive all APIs online and extract code for usage with your client.

Fast to test and onboard

Automatic Test collection generation for Postman Tool.