The ExpressConnect is an add-on that utilises the underlying exsiting TRIRIGA objects to facilitate the data exchange. An API Consumer must have access to the underlying modules and objects to utilise the ExpressAPIs.
The requirements for the TRIRIGA license will differ based on the use cases for different users involved in the systems integration lifecycle.
For example, an API Evangelist might be looking to explorer the APIs documentation, review the API Storybook and help on-board the API Consumers.
API Developers might need to access the builder tools to adjust any API conconfigurations.
Integration Developers might use the API as a building block for configuring a system-to-system integration.
API Consumers could utilise the API while developing web or mobile apps or use the APIs to create the required digital experience.
User Access:
TAS Licensing:
Based on the TAS Licensing Guide:
- A “Base” user license is advised for API run-time access. API Evangelists, Integration Developers and API Consumers will fall under this category. These Users could be used in external systems to connect to TRIRIGA, utilise the ExpressConnect APIs for developing external Integrations, explore the API documentation, review the API Storybook, and help onboard the API Consumers. Users can opt for an authorised or occasional authorised user license depending on the usage frequency.
- A “Configure” authorised user license is advised for adjusting the API config. The API Developers will fall under this category. The API Developers might be managing/adjusting/configuring the ExpressConnect APIs.
- CBA License is included in the “TAS” “Base User” license.
Traditional TRIRIGA Licensing:
For traditional TRIRIGA licenses:
- Additionally, TRIRIGA users should have access to the modules utilised in the API.
- A “Development/Administrator” license is advised for adjusting the API configuration.
- Users of ExpressConnect would also need to comply with the CBA Licensing requirements.