ExpressConnect Docs


System Properties

The ExpressConnect core product and ExpressAPI component requires certain adjustments to the system properties within TRIRIGA for a seamless operation. Any specific settings required for a specific platform version is highlighed here.

TRIRIGA Platform 3.8

The following System properties need to be set correctly:


The Front End Server setting is utilised in ExpressAPI to represent the base path for the APIs and need to be configured to the right value for the ExpressAPI to work correctly.


The External Front End Server setting is utilised in ExpressAPI to represent the external base path for the APIs and need to be configured to the right value for the ExpressAPI to work correctly.


The context path is used in the base path for the APIs.


DataConnect sleep time in minutes. Negative value means value sleep time is in seconds. Default is 10 minutes, minimum is -10, or 10 seconds

The ExpressAPI cache component allows the cache refresh at specified intervals as selected in the API Resource Manager configuration. The cache component utilises the DataConnect agent to trigger the cache refresh job.

It is advised to assign a minimum value of 15 minutes (DATACONNECT_SLEEP_TIME : 15) to match the minimum cache sync frequency of 15 minutes.


IMPORT_CONTENT is used in binary upload and Document upload

The ExpressAPI Resource Manager, OpenAPI Explorer and other components utilises the JSON file format to hold the configuration of the APIs and Schema. Ability to down and upload JSOn files is core requirement for the ExpressAPI.

If the “INCLUDE_EXTENIONS” property is in use, we need to amend the “include extension” property to add the “.json” extension, separated with comma(,).

TRIRIGA Platform 4.0

Requirements for the Platform 4.0 version is same as specified for the Platform 3.8

TRIRIGA Appplication Suite 11.0

Requirements for the TAS 11.0 version is same as specified for the Platform 4.0

TRIRIGA Platform 4.1

Requirements for the Platform 4.0 version is same as specified for the Platform 4.0

TRIRIGA Appplication Suite 11.1

Requirements for the TAS 11.0 version is same as specified for the Platform 11.0

TRIRIGA Platform 4.2

Requirements for the Platform 4.0 version is same as specified for the Platform 4.1

TRIRIGA Appplication Suite 11.2

Requirements for the TAS 11.0 version is same as specified for the Platform 11.1

TRIRIGA Platform 4.3

Requirements for the Platform 4.0 version is same as specified for the Platform 4.2

TRIRIGA Appplication Suite 11.3

Requirements for the TAS 11.0 version is same as specified for the Platform 11.2

TRIRIGA Platform 4.4

Requirements for the Platform 4.0 version is same as specified for the Platform 4.3

TRIRIGA Appplication Suite 11.4

Requirements for the TAS 11.0 version is same as specified for the Platform 11.3

TRIRIGA Platform 4.5

Requirements for the Platform 4.0 version is same as specified for the Platform 4.4

TRIRIGA Appplication Suite 11.5

Requirements for the TAS 11.0 version is same as specified for the Platform 11.4